
Hello Platte Valley students and parents,

Basketball season is here, and we hope you are as excited as we are. Boys' basketball is offered to all 7th and 8th grade boys. Each grade level will have an A and B team. We welcome all players no matter what their experience, so please encourage your students to come out and give basketball a try.

Practice will start October 14th; we will have practice each day that we have school from 3:15-5:15. Students must participate in 7 practices before our first game on October 22nd, in order to participate. Practice and games are all mandatory, however exceptions can be made if it is communicated to the coaches beforehand. Before our first practice, players will need to complete and turn in a white card to their coach, which can be found in the front office. They must have also turn in a current physical and completed the annual data update through the front office. The season lasts almost two months and during that time we will play 10 regular season games as well as have an A and B league tournament at the end of the season.

We will be sending information home with the student athletes after the first couple of days of practice, regarding a parent meeting and player contracts that they must sign and return. Throughout the season, coaches will send out weekly parent/guardian emails with details for the upcoming week.

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to your participation in this year's basketball season! If you have any questions, please reach out.


8th Grade Head Coach: Tate Mekelburg


7th Grade Head Coach: Rich Niederkorn


2024 Basketball Calendar
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